Thursday, March 12, 2009

ok day gone bad

I woke up in a sort of good mood today. That mood lasted untill PE. Thats where things took a turn for the worst. Me and my friend was playing badmitten and we were playing against two of her best guy friends. Then our teach calle all of the class in so he could get our scores. My friend decided to tell the boys that we won so when we got to the teacher to tell him who won we counldn't decide who won. by we I ment my friend and the boys. Me, I knew the boys won not us. I swiched the score around to see what the boys should say, but it turned out that they didn't notice. Thats just the begining. Our PE teacher told us to play again. To make a long story short, She ended up being made at me because I let one of the boys tell our teach that they one, buy in my defence I did the right thing by the grace of God. Then on the bus, I don't normally ride the bus home, the bus driver "claims" she didn't see me, but that was probablly an excuse just to make me walk 2 blocks to my house. That was a my ok day and how it went bad. If you read this make sure to tell me your point if my friend has a right to be made at me or I it was all my fault and I should appologise.

1 comment:

  1. You were right to do what you did. The "other friend" can just get over it. I hope today will be better
